version 0.6.0
MOF: reversible vortices axisymmetric

MOF test case for two fluids with sheared velocity field in the axisymmetric coordinate system

This test case simulates two fluids in a disc box in the axisymmetric coordinate system.

The verification criteria is:


Physical domain and geometry

The simulations take place in a box of fluid of coordinates (0,0) and (1,1). The second fluid is placed in a disk centred at the position (0.5,0.75).

Fluids' properties

Both of the fluids considered have the same properties :

\(\rho\) \(\mu\) \(\sigma\) C \(\alpha\) \(T_{0}\)
1 1 1 1 1 1

where \(\rho\) is the density, \(\mu\) the dynamic viscosity coefficient, \(\sigma\) the conductivity, C the specific heat capacity, \(\alpha\) the thermal expansion coefficient and \(T_{0}\) the reference temperature.

No matter the fluid properties we choose, they don't affect the results because we solve only the Phase advection equation.


For the velocity field, the sheared case is considered. The velocity is set as: \(u(x,y)=(x \cos(2 \pi y) \sin(2 \pi x) \cos( \dfrac{\pi t}{T} ),- \dfrac{1}{\pi} \sin(2 \pi y) \sin(2 \pi x)+ \pi x \cos(2 \pi x) \cos( \dfrac{\pi t}{T} ) )\) where \(T \) is the final time.

Phase advection

The numerical method considered for Phase advection is MOF.

Runtime parameters

Spatial discretization

We consider the variable CellsPerDirection in order to change the regular mesh. \(\dfrac{L}{\Delta x}=CellsPerDirection\) for each of the grid directions. The default value is 32.

Time discretization

The time step is fixed and set as : \( \dfrac{Final \ time}{Time \ iterations}\).

UseSymmetric choice

The UseSymmetric variable is used to toggle the symmetric reconstruction. The tolerance angle and derivative are respectively set to \(10^{-5}\) and 0.

UseFilaments choice

The UseFilaments variable is included to toggle Filaments at MOF method.



Numerical results

Figure 1 shows the volume fractions at different times when filaments are enable, symmetric reconstruction is not used and \(CellsPerDirection=128\). Figure 2 presents the volume fractions when filamnts are disable.

Spatial convergence

Four spatial discretizations were used to study the spatial convergence.

Four cases are considered to observe the impact of filaments and symmetric reconstruction: