version 0.6.0
Explicit discretization


 Cell scalar
 Explicit discretization of a scalar equation defined on cells.
 Face vector
 Explicit discretization of a vectorial equation defined on faces.
 Finite Volume fluxes
 Finite Volume fluxes definition.

Detailed Description

Explicit terms are terms of PDE that can be computed explicitely, ie. from the actualy known variables (see Discretization of PDE). In the overall process of solving system of equations, explicit terms are added to the right-hand side of the linear systems associated to the discretized PDE.

In this module you will find different numerical schemes associated to the discretization of PDE for face and cell based variables. The directory is organized as follow:

See also
Please refer to Discretization of PDE / IMEX / Implementation in Notus for a detailed explaination of how explicit terms are added to the System in order to achieve high-order temporal schemes.