version 0.6.0
No Matches
type_node_type Module Reference

Node type handy tools. More...

Data Types

type  t_node_type
 Node type. More...


type(t_node_type) function, public get_dual_node_type (primal_node_type)
type(t_node_type) function, public get_two_d_node_type (primal_node_type)
character(len=15) function, public get_node_type_name (node_type)


type(t_node_type), parameter, public cell_centered = t_node_type([0_1, 0_1, 0_1], 0)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public x_face_centered = t_node_type([1_1, 0_1, 0_1], 1)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public y_face_centered = t_node_type([0_1, 1_1, 0_1], 2)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public z_face_centered = t_node_type([0_1, 0_1, 1_1], 4)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public x_edge_centered = t_node_type([1_1, 1_1, 0_1], 3)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public y_edge_centered = t_node_type([1_1, 0_1, 1_1], 5)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public z_edge_centered = t_node_type([0_1, 1_1, 1_1], 6)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public vertex_centered = t_node_type([1_1, 1_1, 1_1], 7)
type(t_node_type), parameter, public error_node_type = t_node_type([2_1, 1_1, 1_1], 8)

Detailed Description

In a finite-volume, Cartesian partition of the computational domain, several types of nodes are defined:

CELL_CENTERED at the center of the cell,

X/Y/Z_FACE_CENTERED at the center of the x/y/z faces of the cells,

X/Y/Z_EDGE_CENTERED at the center of the x/y/z edges of the cells,

VERTEX_CENTERED at the vertices.

This module defines a node_type derived type whose instances represent one of the node type.

Every node type has a dual. The function get_dual_node_type returns the dual of the node_type given as argument. In 2D, the function get_two_d_node_type should also be used.

Equality comparisons can be done with operators == and /=.

Coordinates, cell step and indice ranges can be retrieved by passing the node type instance to the routines of the module generic_node_type.