version 0.6.0
notus_frontier_interface::Notus_FronTier_Interface_init Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine notus_frontier_interface_init (spatial_dimension, dirname, L, U, N, mpi_nodes, mpi_nodes_Lx, mpi_nodes_Ly, mpi_nodes_Lz, mpi_nodes_Ux, mpi_nodes_Uy, mpi_nodes_Uz, mpi_nodes_Nx, mpi_nodes_Ny, mpi_nodes_Nz)

Detailed Description

[in]mpi_nodes_Lthe lower bounds of the MPI nodes. It is a vectorized matrix of size [mpi_nodes[0] * mpi_nodes[1] * mpi_nodes[2]]

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: