version 0.6.0

Module containing the fields related to the Moment-of-Fluid method.


double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mof_volume_difference
 Difference between the volume of the advected cell and the real cell.
type(t_polygon), dimension(:,:), allocatable mof_ib_inner_polygon
 Contains the polygons that represent the parts of the cells inside the computational domain.
type(t_polygon), dimension(:,:), allocatable mof_ib_outer_polygon
 Contains the polygons that represent the parts of the cells outside the computational domain.
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mof_cell_has_immersed_boundary
 True if the cell contains an immersed boundary.
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mof_is_outer_region_empty
 True if the region inside the immersed boundary contains no phases.