version 0.6.0
No Matches
mod_field_list::t_field_list Type Reference

Linked list of fields.

Public Member Functions

generic add_field (list, field, label, is_remove_ghost_values_from_fields, equation_isd_target, ibc_variable)
 Add an scalar field to the list If the scalar field is not allocated then we don't add it and log a msg.
generic add_field (list, field, label)
 Add a vector field to the list.
generic add_field (list, field, label, is_remove_ghost_values_from_fields, equation_isd_target, ibc_variable)
 Add a face field to the list.

Public Attributes

type(t_field_list_item), pointer first => null()
 First item of the linked list.
type(t_field_list_item), pointer last => null()
 Last item of the linked list.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ add_field() [1/3]

generic mod_field_list::t_field_list::add_field ( class(t_field_list), intent(inout) list,
double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) field,
character(len=*), intent(in) label )
[in,out]listlinked list of fields
[in]fieldvector field
[in]labellabel of the vector field

◆ add_field() [2/3]

generic mod_field_list::t_field_list::add_field ( class(t_field_list), intent(inout) list,
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) field,
character(len=*), intent(in) label,
logical, intent(in), optional is_remove_ghost_values_from_fields,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional, allocatable equation_isd_target,
type(t_immersed_boundary_condition), dimension(:), intent(in), optional ibc_variable )
[in,out]listlinked list of fields
[in]fieldscalar field
[in]labellabel of the scalar field
[in]is_remove_ghost_values_from_fieldsflag to write outer value on ghost nodes (optional)
[in]equation_isd_targetimmersed subdomain target array of the equation (optional)
[in]ibc_variableimmersed boundary condition variable (optional)

◆ add_field() [3/3]

generic mod_field_list::t_field_list::add_field ( class(t_field_list), intent(inout) list,
type(t_face_field), intent(in) field,
character(len=*), intent(in) label,
logical, intent(in), optional is_remove_ghost_values_from_fields,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional, allocatable equation_isd_target,
type(t_face_immersed_boundary_condition), dimension(:), intent(in), optional ibc_variable )
[in,out]listlinked list of fields
[in]fieldface field
[in]labellabel of the face field
[in]is_remove_ghost_values_from_fieldsflag to write outer value on ghost nodes (optional)
[in]equation_isd_targetimmersed subdomain target array of the equation (optional)
[in]ibc_variableimmersed boundary condition variable (optional)

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