version 0.6.0
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mod_eval_ib_metrics_points::eval_ib_metrics_ghost_points Interface Reference

Evaluate ghost points. More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine eval_ib_metrics_ghost_points_cell (ib_metrics, distance)
subroutine eval_ib_metrics_ghost_points_face (ib_metrics, distance)

Detailed Description

When an instance of face_immersed_boundary is given, the ghost points of each immersed_boundary instance (corresponding to each component) are evaluated. When an instance of immersed_boundary is given, a ghost point is determined for each ghost cell, using distance argument.

The distance argument must provide a value for every ghost node (i,j,k) and each of the six (four in 2D) Cartesian neighbor of theses ghost nodes. This value should be as accurate as possible.
ib_metricsinstance of immersed_boundary or face_immersed_boundary.
distancedistance function to the immersed boundary.

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