version 0.6.0

Module containing the parameters of the Moment-of-Fluid method.


enum  { mof_bfgs , mof_gauss_newton }


integer mof3d_minimization_method = mof_bfgs
 Minimization algorithm.
double precision mof2d_tol_angle = 1d-8
 Tolerance angle of the minimization algorithm in 2D.
double precision mof_tol_derivative = 0d0
 Tolerance of the derivative of the minimization algorithm in 2D.
double precision mof3d_tol_derivative = 1d-8
 Tolerance of the derivative of the minimization algorithm in 3D.
integer mof3d_max_iter = 100
 Maximum number of iteration for minimization algorithm in 3D.
double precision mof_cfl = 0.9d0
 CFL for the MOF advection scheme.
logical mof_use_analytic_reconstruction = .true.
 Flag to enable the analytic reconstruction on rectangular and hexahedral cells.
logical mof_use_b_tree = .false.
 Flag to enable the usage of the B-tree in the reconstruction (nb_phases >= 4)
logical mof_use_symmetric_reconstruction = .true.
 Flag to enable symmetric reconstruction.
logical mof_has_filaments = .false.
 Flag to enable the use of filaments.
integer mof_max_filament_parts = 2
 Maximum number of filament parts per phase.
logical mof_use_navier_boundary_condition = .false.
 Flag to activate or deactivate the Navier boundary condition for MoF.
double precision mof_navier_boundary_coefficient = 0.75d0
 Value of the Navier boundary coefficient (beta) for MoF.
logical mof3d_use_analytical_derivatives = .false.
 Flag to use analytical derivatives (Chen & Zhang 2016)
logical mof3d_use_optimized_centroid = .true.
 Flag to use optimized centroid (Milcent & Lemoine 2019)
logical mof_has_immersed_boundaries = .false.
 Flag to enable the immersed boundaries in MOF.
logical mof_use_filter = .false.
 Toggle filter.
double precision mof_filter_min_isolated_volume_fraction = 1d-2
 Filter the isolated structures.
double precision mof_filament_min_volume_fraction = 1d-3
 Smallest authorized volume fraction for filaments.
logical mof_has_volume_difference = .false.
 Toggle volume difference diagnostic.
double precision, parameter mof_volume_fraction_epsilon = 100d0*epsilon(1d0)
 Smallest authorized volume fraction.