version 0.6.0
variables_multiphase Module Reference

Module containing the list of the various phase representations.


logical do_compute_interface_normal = .false.
 True will trigger the normal computation.
logical do_compute_interface_curvature = .false.
 True will trigger the curvature computation.
logical do_volume_fraction_smoothing = .false.
 True if the type contains a smoothed field.
integer volume_fraction_smoothing_method = inverse_distance
 Smoothing length method.
integer phase_advection_smoothing_length = 4
 Smoothing length (number of cells)
logical do_compute_levelset_closest_points = .false.
 True will trigger the closest points computation.
logical do_compute_contact_line
 Do compute contact lines or not.
type(contact_line_point), dimension(:), allocatable contact_line_points
 The contact line points.