version 0.6.0
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mod_cg3_flood_polyhedron::t_chained_polygon_item Type Reference

Single item of the structure that track the state of the current algorithm. This structure contains a polygon stored as a list of point and edges. It also embbed information about neighbor edge, neighbor face, and if the current point is a point of the polyhedron.

Public Attributes

double precision, dimension(3) point = 0
 Coordinates of the point.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable edge_set
 Set of edges that go up.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable edge_point
 Opposite point of the edge.
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable tangent
 Tangents of the edges that go up.
integer point_id = 0
 Corresponding point number in the polyhedron structure. 0 if the point is not on the polyhedron.
integer edge = 0
 If point_id == 0, contains the edge number in the polyhedron structure. edge = 0 if point_id ≠ 0.
integer face = 0
 Contains the face number in the polyhedron structure that lies between this item and the next.

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