version 0.6.0
type_solver_mumps::t_mumps_solver Type Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for type_solver_mumps::t_mumps_solver:

Public Attributes

integer verbosity = verbosity_none
 Level of verbosity.
integer memory = 40
 Percentage increase in the estimated working space.
logical use_distributed_rhs = .true.
 Is the right-hand side vector distributed or on host (rank 0)?
logical use_distributed_solution = .true.
 Is the solution vector distributed or on host (rank 0)?
logical compute_condition_number = .false.
 Compute the condition number.
logical do_analysis = .true.
 Private variable.
type(dmumps_struc) parameters
 MUMPS internal structure.
- Public Attributes inherited from type_solver::t_base_solver
logical use_jacobi_initial_preconditioner = .true.
 Apply Jacobi preconditioning before calling the linear solver.
double precision residual = -1d0
 Residual of the last execution.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: