version 0.6.0
variables_mpi Module Reference

Variables associated with domain partitioning context. More...


integer rank = 0
 Rank for the current local domain (associated to an MPI process).
type(mpi_comm) mpi_comm_notus
 Notus MPI communicator (Cartesian aware). This variable is initialized to mpi_comm_world in the early stage of Notus initialization?
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_corners2_x
 Coordinates of the right, top, front corner.
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_corners2_y
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, target global_domain_corners2_z
Numbers of local domains.
integer n_mpi_proc = 1
 Total number of local domains.
integer n_mpi_proc_x = 1
 Number of local domains along the x-axis.
integer n_mpi_proc_y = 1
 Number of local domains along the y-axis.
integer n_mpi_proc_z = 1
 Number of local domains along the z-axis.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable proc_direction
 Values n_mpi_proc_x, n_mpi_proc_y, n_mpi_proc_z stored in an array.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable proc_coordinate
 Coordinates of the current local domain in the Cartesian processor grid.
logical is_repartitioning = .false.
 Will the domain be repartitioned?
logical is_repartitioning_achieved = .false.
 Has the repartitioning process been already achieved?
logical is_initial_step_repartitioning = .true.
 Is it the initial step in the repartitioning process? If so, stop the calculation and print the required number of processors.
integer n_cells_proc = 0
 Number of cells per partition.
integer label_wanted_partitioning = -1
 Label of the wanted partitioning.
Neighborhood information.

Domain ranks for the six neighbors. The value -1 means “no neighbor.”

integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable neighbor_proc
 Give the rank of any domain from its relative coordinates.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable neighbor_proc_list
 Give the list of the neighboring processors in the repartitioning process.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable neighbor_points_list
 Give the start and end indices of the points to exchange between neighbor processors.
logical mpi_exchange_full = .true.
 MPI exchange including corners (and edges in 3D)
integer n_exchange_proc = -1
 Number of neighbor domains to communicate with.
Processor information with respect to boundaries.

False or true depending whether they are at a physical boundary or not

logical is_proc_on_left_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the left boundary of the domain.
logical is_proc_on_right_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the right boundary of the domain.
logical is_proc_on_bottom_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the bottom boundary of the domain.
logical is_proc_on_top_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the top boundary of the domain.
logical is_proc_on_back_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the back boundary of the domain.
logical is_proc_on_front_boundary = .false.
 Is the processor on the front boundary of the domain.
Periodic information (location of the periodic boundary)

These variables are set ONLY IF there are more than one proc in the given direction. Example 1: 'is_proc_on_left_periodic == .false.' if 'is_periodic_x == .true.' and 'n_mpi_proc_x == 1'. Example 2: 'is_proc_on_left_periodic == .true.' if 'is_periodic_x == .true.' and 'n_mpi_proc_x > 1' and 'is_proc_on_left_boundary'.

logical is_proc_on_left_periodic = .false.
logical is_proc_on_right_periodic = .false.
logical is_proc_on_top_periodic = .false.
logical is_proc_on_bottom_periodic = .false.
logical is_proc_on_back_periodic = .false.
logical is_proc_on_front_periodic = .false.
Local domain start and end indices in the physical domain (with no ghost cells)


integer is_global_physical_domain = 1
integer is_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer is_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer js_global_physical_domain = 1
integer js_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer js_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer ks_global_physical_domain = 1
integer ks_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer ks_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer ie_global_physical_domain = 1
integer ie_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer ie_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer je_global_physical_domain = 1
integer je_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer je_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer ke_global_physical_domain = 1
integer ke_global_physical_domain_r = 1
integer ke_global_physical_domain_t = 1
integer isu_global_physical_domain = 1
integer ieu_global_physical_domain = 1
integer jsv_global_physical_domain = 1
integer jev_global_physical_domain = 1
integer ksw_global_physical_domain = 1
integer kew_global_physical_domain = 1
Local domain start and end indices in the overlapping numerical domain (with boundary and overlapping boundary cells)


integer is_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer is_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer is_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
integer js_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer js_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer js_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
integer ks_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer ks_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer ks_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
integer ie_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer ie_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer ie_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
integer je_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer je_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer je_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
integer ke_global_overlap_numerical_domain = 1
integer ke_global_overlap_numerical_domain_r = 1
integer ke_global_overlap_numerical_domain_t = 1
Coordinates of the left, bottom, back corner.
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_corners1_x
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_corners1_y
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, target global_domain_corners1_z
List of all partition sizes.

The arrays starts at zero en ends on n_mpi_proc_*-1. E.g.: global_domain_list_n*(0:n_mpi_proc_*-1)

integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nx
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nx_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nx_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ny
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ny_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ny_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nz
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nz_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_nz_t
List of the starting indices of the faces of all partitions.

The arrays starts at zero en ends on n_mpi_proc_*-1. E.g.: global_domain_list_*s*(0:n_mpi_proc_*-1)

integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_isu
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_isu_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_isu_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jsv
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jsv_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jsv_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ksw
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ksw_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ksw_t
List of the ending indices of the faces of all partitions.

The arrays starts at zero en ends on n_mpi_proc_*-1. E.g.: global_domain_list_*e*(0:n_mpi_proc_*-1)

integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ieu
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ieu_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_ieu_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jev
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jev_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_jev_t
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_kew
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_kew_r
integer, dimension(:), allocatable global_domain_list_kew_t

Detailed Description

The global domain is partitioned in a Cartesian arrangement of local domains, as described in computational_domain. The numbers of local domain per direction are n_mpi_proc_x, n_mpi_proc_y, and n_mpi_proc_z, and the total number local domains is n_mpi_proc = prox_nb_x × n_mpi_proc_y × n_mpi_proc_z. Each local domain is identified by its coordinates proc_coordinate in the partitioning system, and also by its rank. Both coordinates and ranks ranges from 0 to some n-1.

Figure 1: Local domain indexing.

The module variables are defined within the context of a local domain (SIMD paradigm); they are distributed or local variables. Although, some variables have the same value for each local domain, thus can be considered as a shared or global variable.

Global numerical domain.

As described in computational_domain, the mesh is indexed locally over an extended domain, the numerical domain. It is sometimes necessary to define a global indexing.

Refined grid (under development): grid can be globally refined for phase advection. Suffix _r is associated to the refined grids, suffix _t is associated to the temporary grid.