version 0.6.0
No Matches
mod_mof_filaments::t_mof_filament_list Type Reference

Structure used to detect filaments.

Public Attributes

integer size = 0
 Total number of intersected polygons.
integer nb_part = 0
 Number of connected component up to mof_max_filament_parts.
type(t_polygon), dimension(:), allocatable polygon
 Intersected polygons [size].
type(t_polyhedron), dimension(:), allocatable polyhedron
 Intersected polyhedrons [size].
integer, dimension(:), allocatable group
 Group identifier [size]. A polygon has the same ID as another polygon if it is connected to it.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable incidence_size
 Number of neighbor for each polygon [size].
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable incidence
 Incidence matrix between polygons/polyhedrons [size,size].
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable volume
 Volume of the polygon/polyhedrons [size].
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable centroid
 Centroid of the polygon/polyhedrons [spatial_dimension,size].

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: