version 0.6.0
No Matches
variables_time_discretization Module Reference

Declaration of variables associated to the time discretization.


double precision global_time_step = huge(1d0)
 Global time step.
integer time_order_discretization = time_order_1
 Time discretization order; coeffcient of time order scheme.
integer max_time_iteration = 0
 Time iterations.
integer iter_print_to_screen = 1
integer time_iteration = 0
integer time_iteration_start = 1
double precision time = 0d0
double precision final_time = 0d0
double precision final_time_tolerance = 1d-14
logical is_final_time_set = .false.
logical is_time_step_adaptative = .false.
 Adaptative time step.
logical navier_has_temporal_stability_factor_advection = .true.
double precision temporal_stability_factor_advection = 1d0
 The Courant number (here named as is, accordingly to other equations)
logical navier_has_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = .true.
 "CFL" number for diffusion
double precision navier_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = 1d0
logical navier_has_temporal_stability_factor_st = .true.
 "CFL" number for surface tension waves propagation
double precision navier_temporal_stability_factor_st = 1d0
logical navier_has_temporal_stability_factor_acoustic = .true.
 "CFL" number for acoustic waves propagation
double precision navier_temporal_stability_factor_acoustic = 1d0
logical energy_has_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = .true.
 "CFL" number for energy diffusion
double precision energy_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = 1d0
logical species_transport_has_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = .true.
 "CFL" number for species transport diffusion
double precision species_transport_temporal_stability_factor_diffusion = 1d0
double precision min_time_step = 0d0
double precision max_time_step = huge(1d0)
double precision max_time_step_increment = huge(1d0)
double precision max_time_step_ratio = huge(1d0)
logical is_advect_phases_first = .false.
 Algorithm variables.
logical is_stop_tests = .false.
 Do stop tests.
logical is_stop_simulation = .false.
 Stop the simulation is stop tests verified.
logical is_stop_divergence = .false.
 stop test on divergence
double precision tolerance_divergence = 1d-7
logical is_stop_elapsed_time = .false.
 stop test on physical ellapsed time
double precision stop_elapsed_time = 1d10
logical is_relative_stationarity = .false.
 stop test on stationarity
logical is_stop_stationarity = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_species = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_density = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_temperature = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_pressure = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_velocity = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_turbulent = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_nusselt = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_velocity_time_averaged = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_temperature_time_averaged = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_pressure_time_averaged = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_density_time_averaged = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_species_time_averaged = .false.
logical is_stop_stationarity_nusselt_time_averaged = .false.
double precision tolerance_stationarity_temperature_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_nusselt_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_pressure_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_density_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_velocity_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_species_time_averaged = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_species = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_specific_dissipation_rate = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_temperature = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_nusselt = 1d-5
double precision tolerance_stationarity_turbulent_kinetic_energy = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_turbulence_dissipation = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_mean_squared_velocity = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_velocity = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_pressure = 1d-11
double precision tolerance_stationarity_density = 1d-11