version 0.6.0
type_mof_phase_extension::t_mof_phase_extension Type Reference

Public Attributes

double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable centroid
 List of centroids.
type(t_polygon), dimension(:,:), allocatable polygon
 List of reconstructed polygons.
type(t_polyhedron), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable polyhedron
 List of reconstructed polyhedrons.
type(t_mof_filament), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable filament
 List of filaments.
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable is_mixed
 is_mixed: true if 0 < volume_fraction < 1 (avoid real number comparison).
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable has_filament
 has_filament: true if the current cell is split into filaments.
logical is_in_outer_region = .false.
 Is the phase in outer region?
logical is_locked = .false.
 Is the phase locked?

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