version 0.6.0
type_integ_scheme::integ_scheme Type Reference

Inherited by type_integ_1d_scheme_gl::integ_1d_gl_o2_scheme, type_integ_1d_scheme_gl::integ_1d_gl_o3_scheme, type_integ_1d_scheme_mp::integ_1d_mp_o2_scheme, type_integ_1d_scheme_simpson::integ_1d_simpson_o3_scheme, type_integ_2d_scheme_gl::integ_2d_gl_o2_scheme, and type_integ_2d_scheme_gl::integ_2d_gl_o3_scheme.

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass(self) generic_init => integ_scheme_generic_init
procedure(integ_scheme_init), deferred, pass(self) init
procedure, pass(self) apply => integ_scheme_apply

Public Attributes

integer size
integer the
integer of
integer scheme
integer dim
integer number
integer dimensions
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable weights
 The weights In a vector form, whatever the dimension is weights has 'size'^dim elements.
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable pos
 The positions of the quadrature points pos[l,:] is the position of the l^th point l is going from 1 to 'size'^dim, starting in the Fortran ordering, ie. k(z), than j(y), than i(x) ; ie. when i changes the fastest pos has 'size'^dim * dim elements So that one can use 'reshape'.

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