version 0.6.0
type_face_ls_map::t_face_ls_map_component Type Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for type_face_ls_map::t_face_ls_map_component:

Public Attributes

integer n_faces = 0
 Local numerical domain size.
integer global_n_faces = 0
 Global numerical domain size.
- Public Attributes inherited from type_ls_map::t_ls_map
integer stencil_size = 0
 Stencil size.
integer rhs_size = 0
 Right-hand side size.
integer(kind=8) n_nonzeros = 0
 Number of nonzero coefficients in the local matrix.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable l
 Index of the line associated to the cell (i,j,k) in the local lexicographical numbering of the linear system.
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable global_index
 Index of the line associated to the cell (i,j,k) in the global lexicographical numbering of the linear system.
type(t_ijk_triplet), dimension(:), allocatable boundary_node_list
 List of nodes where the stencil spreads beyond the boundary of the local numerical domain.
integer is = 0
integer ie = 0
integer js = 0
integer je = 0
integer ks = 0
integer ke = 0
integer nx = 0
integer ny = 0
integer nz = 0
integer nxg = 0
integer nyg = 0
integer nzg = 0
integer isg = 0
 @ Global lower and upper bounds of the local numerical domain.
integer jsg = 0
integer ksg = 0
integer ieg = 0
integer jeg = 0
integer keg = 0
integer is_in = 0
integer ie_in = 0
integer js_in = 0
integer je_in = 0
integer ks_in = 0
integer ke_in = 0

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