Define the variables associated to the reference solutions.
subroutine | initialize_variables_reference_solution () |
| Allocate memory for the variables of reference solution.
class(t_scalar_initializer), pointer | reference_solution_density_initializer => null() |
| Initializer for the reference solution of the density.
class(t_scalar_initializer), pointer | reference_solution_temperature_initializer => null() |
| Initializer for the reference solution of the temperature.
class(t_scalar_initializer), pointer | reference_solution_pressure_initializer => null() |
| Initializer for the reference solution of the pressure.
class(t_vector_initializer), pointer | reference_solution_velocity_initializer => null() |
| Initializer for the reference solution of the velocity.
class(t_phase_initializer), allocatable | reference_solution_phase_initializer |
| Reference phases initializer.
type(t_reference_solution_species_initializer_set), dimension(:), allocatable | reference_solution_species_initializer |
| Reference solution of the species concentration.