version 0.6.0
type_phase_geometry::t_phase_geometry Type Reference

Public Attributes

double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable volume_fraction
 Volume fraction.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable volume_fraction_r
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable volume_fraction_t
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable smoothed_volume_fraction
 Smoothed volume fraction.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable normal
 Phase normal. Defined everywhere for level set. Defined at the interface for VoF or MoF, zero elsewhere.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable curvature
 Curvature of the interface (cell-centered). Defined everywhere for level set. Defined at the interface for VoF or MoF, zero elsewhere.
type(t_face_field) curvature_on_faces
 Curvature of the interface (on faces)
type(t_mof_phase_extension), allocatable mof
 Extension of the t_phase_geometry type to MoF representation.
type(t_levelset_cp), pointer levelset => null()
 Level set part (with closest point)
logical has_normal = .false.
 True if the type contains normal information.
logical has_curvature = .false.
 True if the type contains curvature information.
logical has_mof_extension = .false.
 True if the type contains the MoF extension.
logical has_levelset = .false.
 True if the type contains a level set.

Detailed Description

Before calling any of the phase_initialize_* routines, make sure to have called type_phase_geometry::phase_initialize.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: