version 0.6.0
type_immersed_subdomain_metrics::t_immersed_subdomain_metrics Type Reference

Public Attributes

integer subdomain_id = 0
 Index of the subdomain.
type(t_immersed_boundary_metrics), allocatable ib_cell_metrics
 Immersed boundary metric-related data for the cell-centered nodes.
 Immersed boundary metric-related data for the face-centered nodes.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable cell_distance
 Distance to the interface (cell-centered)
double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable cell_direction
type(t_face_field) face_distance
 Distance to the interface (face)
type(t_face_field_extended) face_direction
integer direction_computational_method = isd_metrics_geometric_direction
 Direction computational method.
double precision thickness = 1d-4
 Immersed boundary thickness. The unit corresponds of the size of the current cell.
logical use_corners = .false.
 Include corners as ghost points.
logical filter_smalls = .true.
 Filter small pockets of inner domain, smaller than 4×4(×4)
integer sampling_level = 1
 Sampling level to compute the volume of the cells crossed by an immersed boundary.
 Cut cell metrics (2D only)
logical is_ghost_node_shift = .false.
 Cartesian Ghost Node Shifting Method.
logical is_image_point_shift = .false.
 Cartesian Image Point Shifting Method.
logical is_quadratic = .false.
 Quadratic Method.
logical is_quadratic_outshift = .false.
 Quadratic Method w/ outwards shift.
logical is_quadratic_ss1 = .false.
 Quadratic Method w/ Image Shift & Stencil Size of 1.
double precision image_point_percent_ratio = 1d0
 Image Point Distance Ratio.
double precision qip_distance_modifier = 0.99d0
 Location of QIP (i.e. 0.98 of its original location)
logical double_distance_bp_pp = .false.
 Double distance between boundary point and image point.
logical is_p3_lagrange = .false.
 Increase order of Lagrance interpolation for Dirichlet to p=3.
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable is_ghost_node_a_neighbor
 Ghost node a neighbor?
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable is_ghost_node_a_neighbor_u
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable is_ghost_node_a_neighbor_v
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable is_ghost_node_a_neighbor_w

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