version 0.6.0
fields_validation Module Reference

Fields associated to the validation.


double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_error_reference_temperature
 Difference between the temperature and the reference temperature.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_error_reference_pressure
 Difference between the pressure and the reference pressure.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_error_reference_density
 Difference between the density and the reference density.
type(t_face_field) validation_error_reference_velocity
 Difference between the velocity and the reference velocity.
logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_error_mask
 Cell mask used to compute the error on a part of the domain.
type(t_logical_face_field) validation_error_mask_face
 Face mask used to compute the error on a part of the domain.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_error
 Scalar field containing the error.
type(t_face_field) validation_error_face
 Face field containing the error.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable validation_reference_solution
 Reference solution for scalar fields.
double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable validation_reference_solution_vec
 Reference solution for vector fields.
type(t_face_field) validation_reference_solution_face
 Reference solution for face fields.
type(t_phase_geometry), dimension(:), allocatable validation_reference_solution_volume_fractions
 Reference solution for phases that require more information than the volume fraction.