version 0.6.0
No Matches
Modules List
Here is a list of all documented modules with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Menum_cell_advection_term_schemeEnumeration modules associated to cell scalar advection term discretization
 Menum_cell_bc_schemeEnumeration modules associated to cell scalar boundary condition scheme
 Menum_cell_bc_typeEnumeration of the different type of boundary condition
 Menum_cell_diffusion_term_schemeEnumeration modules associated to cell scalar diffusion term discretization
 Menum_checkpoint_metricEnumerations associated to the checkpoint metric
 Menum_coordinate_systemEnumerations associated to the mesh
 Menum_diagnostic_quantitiesDiagnostic quantity enumerators
 Menum_discretization_typeDiscretization types identifiers
 Menum_energy_equation_formulationEnumerations associated to the energy equation
 Menum_enforced_stencilEnumeration of the different type of boundary condition
 Menum_face_bc_schemeEnumeration modules associated to face-centered vector field boundary condition scheme
 Menum_face_bc_typeBoundary condition types for a face-centered vector field
 Menum_flux_limiterTime order discrezation enumeration
 Menum_ibc_methodMethods for immersed boundaries
 Menum_ibc_typeTypes of immersed boundaries
 Menum_isd_metrics_direction_computational_methodMethods to compute direction to shape boundary
 Menum_les_modelEnumeration for Large Eddy Simulation models
 Menum_levelsetMain module
 Menum_levelset_advection_schemeModule containing the list of the various advection method related to Level Set representation Associated to the advection_scheme parameter
 Menum_levelset_curvature_typeModule containing the list of the various curvature computation schemes
 Menum_levelset_reinit_methodModule containing the list of the various reinitialization methods
 Menum_levelset_representationModule containing the different representation Associated to the representation parameter
 Menum_levelset_time_orderModule containing the list of the various time schemes related to Level Set representation Associated to the time_order parameter
 Menum_levelset_volume_fraction_methodModule containing the list of the various reinitialization methods
 Menum_mumps_partitioningEnumeration for MUMPS direct solver associated partitioning libraries
 Menum_navier_diffusion_term_schemeDiscretization schemes for the diffusion momentum term (divergence of the stress tensor)
 Menum_navier_nonlinear_term_schemeDiscretization schemes for the nonlinear momentum term
 Menum_navier_velocity_pressure_methodEnumerations associated to the Navier-Stokes equations
 Menum_phase_representationModule containing the list of the various phase representations
 Menum_rans_modelEnumeration for RANS models
 Menum_refined_velocity_methodTime order discrezation enumeration
 Menum_smoothing_methodModule containing the list of the various phase representations
 Menum_test_caseTest case identifiers
 Menum_time_order_discretizationTime order discrezation enumeration
 Menum_turbulence_modelEnumeration for turbulence models
 Menum_vof_schemesModule containing the list of the various advection schemes related to VoF representation
 Mfields_diagnostic_quantitiesDiagnostic quantity fields
 Mfields_energyContains the field arrays associated to the Energy equation
 Mfields_immersed_subdomainGlobal field for immersed subdomains
 Mfields_material_propertiesLocal properties of material defined on cells or faces
 Mfields_mofModule containing the fields related to the Moment-of-Fluid method
 Mfields_navierDeclaration of the field arrays associated to the Navier-Stokes equations
 Mfields_particlesThe fields associated to lagrangian particles
 Mfields_phase_advectionContains the fields describing the various phases
 Mfields_reference_solutionDefine the field associated to the reference solutions
 Mfields_species_transportContains the field arrays associated to the species transport equation
 Mfields_statisticsDefine fields associated to the statistics of instantaneous fields
 Mfields_turbulenceDeclaration of the field arrays associated to the turbulence models
 Mfields_turbulence_ransDeclaration of the field arrays associated to the turbulence RANS models
 Mfields_validationFields associated to the validation
 Minterface_hypre_commonCommon functions and constants
 Minterface_hypre_parcsrParCSR specific functions
 Minterface_hypre_sstructSStruct specific functions
 Minterface_hypre_structStruct specific functions
 Mmod_advect_fieldQuick explicit advection method for a scalar field
 Mmod_apply_cell_advection_schemeSet line coefficients of the matrix associated to the discretization of the advection term \( \varrho * \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u}_{n+1} S_{n+1}) \) with various schemes:
 Mmod_apply_cell_diffusion_schemeSet line coefficients of the matrix associated to the discretization of the diffusion term with the following schemes:
 Mmod_apply_immersed_boundary_condition_cellApply immersed boundaries, cell version
 Mmod_apply_immersed_boundary_condition_faceApply immersed boundaries, face version
 Mmod_arraysUseful functions for manipulating arrays
 Mmod_cell_scalar_implicit_discretization_collectionModule that encapsulates all cell scalar term by term discretization modules
 Mmod_compressible_predict_densityPredict the density at the next time step
 Mmod_compute_cell_advection_term_exp_semi_lagrangianExplicit semi lagrangian method for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_fast_recExplicit Fast Reconstruction scheme (generic) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_fast_wenoExplicit WENO scheme (generic) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_recExplicit Reconstruction scheme (generic) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_wenoExplicit WENO scheme (generic) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_opt_wenoExplicit WENO scheme (generic) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_rec_schemesExplicit reconstruction schemes (wrappers) for the advection equationmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_rec::compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_upwind_generic_rec() and mod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_generic_rec::compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_centered_generic_rec() for further details
 Mmod_compute_cell_cons_advection_term_exp_weno_schemesExplicit WENO schemes (wrappers) for the advection equation
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_generic_fast_recExplicit conservative advection term for a vector field with an generic fast reconstruction scheme
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_generic_fast_wenoExplicit inertial term with an upwind generic weno scheme
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_generic_recExplicit conservative advection term for a vector field with an upwind generic reconstruction scheme
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_generic_wenoExplicit inertial term with an upwind generic weno scheme
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_opt_wenoExplicit inertial term with an upwind optimized weno scheme
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_rec_schemesExplicit vector conservative advection term with upwind reconstruction schemes
 Mmod_compute_div_u_psi_term_explicit_weno_schemesExplicit vector conservative advection term with upwind WENO schemes
 Mmod_compute_field_statisticsCompute statistics of cell and face fields (time averaged, fluctuations and rms)
 Mmod_compute_ib_surface_diagnosticsCompute immersed boundary surface diagnostics (surface, pressure drag, shear drag, nusselt_number, etc.)
 Mmod_compute_immersed_boundary_distanceCompute distance from shape boundary
 Mmod_compute_pressure_gradientCompute pressure gradient on the face grid
 Mmod_compute_sst_functionsCompute k-ω SST blending function 1 & 2
 Mmod_compute_turbulent_species_diffusion_coefficientCompute turvulent species transport diffusion coefficient
 Mmod_compute_v2_f_functionsCompute v2_f functions
 Mmod_compute_wall_distanceCompute wall distance (physical and immersed boundaries)
 Mmod_create_immersed_boundary_metricsInterface to create immersed boundaries
 Mmod_dd_initInitialization of the DD system
 Mmod_dd_polynomialDiscrete derivative polynomial function evaluation
 Mmod_discrete_derivative_weightsDiscrete derivatives dictionnary
 Mmod_discretize_cell_explicit_diffusion_term_o2Compute cell explicit diffusion term with centered second order scheme
 Mmod_div_u_psi_term_explicitExplicit inertial term module
 Mmod_eval_ib_metrics_node_typesBuilding blocks for immersed boundaries: Nodes
 Mmod_eval_ib_metrics_pointsPreparation routine building blocks for immersed boundaries
 Mmod_eval_ibm_matrix_coefficientsPreparation routine building blocks for immersed boundaries
 Mmod_explicit_add_cell_bcFill ghost nodes with given boundary conditions for cell scalars
 Mmod_explicit_add_cell_bc_nhFill ghost nodes with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for cell scalars
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_cell_neumannExtrapolate cell values toward other cells (usualy ghost cells) with Neumann condition
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_faceExtrapolate from a field known on cells (i,j,k) towards a faces
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_face_boundarySecond order extrapolation from cell to face boundary
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_face_neumannExtrapolate from cells to faces with Neumann conditions
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_pointExtrapolate from a field known on cells (i,j,k) towards a point
 Mmod_extrapolate_cell_to_point_neumannExtrapolate from a field known on cells (i,j,k) towards a point with a given neumann condition (ie. the derivative of the function at the destination point)
 Mmod_extrapolate_cells_outside_boundariesExtrapolate the cell field outside the boundaries of the domain (in the ghost cells)
 Mmod_extrapolate_cells_to_cells_neumannExtrapolate the field defined on cells onto faces. This is used whenever you need to compute what would be the Dirichlet boundary value associated to the Neumann condition, given a field inside the domain. Order 2 version
 Mmod_extrapolate_cells_to_cells_on_planeExtrapolate cells to cells on a plane (for boundaries)
 Mmod_extrapolate_cells_to_faces_neumannExtrapolate the field defined on cells onto faces. This is used whenever you need to compute what would be the Dirichlet boundary value associated to the Neumann condition, given a field inside the domain. Order 2 version
 Mmod_extrapolate_edge_to_edge_boundarySecond order extrapolation from edge to edge boundary
 Mmod_extrapolate_face_to_cellExtrapolate from a field known on faces (u,v,w) towards a cell's center
 Mmod_extrapolate_face_to_edgeExtrapolate from a field known on faces (u,v,w) towards a cell's edges
 Mmod_extrapolate_faces_outside_boundariesExtrapolate faces outside boundaries
 Mmod_extrapolate_faces_to_facesExtrapolate faces to faces
 Mmod_extrapolate_faces_to_planeExtrapolate faces to a whole plane
 Mmod_extrapolate_field_timeExtrapolate a field (for example the velocity or pressure) foward in time
 Mmod_extrapolation_computerComputer for evaluating Extrapolation Schemes
 Mmod_extrapolation_initInitialization of declared extrapolation chemes
 Mmod_extrapolation_neumann_schemesExtrapolation Neumann Schemes Concretly, those schemes are pointers to FD schemes, see the init procedure
 Mmod_extrapolation_scheme_o1Extrapolation Schemes for at order 1
 Mmod_extrapolation_scheme_o2Extrapolation Schemes for at order 2
 Mmod_extrapolation_scheme_o3Extrapolation Schemes for at order 3
 Mmod_extrapolation_scheme_o4Extrapolation Schemes for at order 4
 Mmod_face_advection_tvd_superbeeExplicit dimensional splitting Lax-Wendroff TVD SuperBee (LW-TVD-SB) scheme for the advection equation
 Mmod_face_vector_implicit_discretization_collectionModule that encapsulates all face vector term by term discretization modules
 Mmod_field_operationCell and face field operations that use OpenMP directives
 Mmod_fill_ghost_nodesSpecify how ghost cells are filled This depends on the type of boundaries
 Mmod_finite_differences_3d_stencilsStencil filling for 3D schemes
 Mmod_finite_differences_computerComputer for evaluating Finite Difference Schemes
 Mmod_finite_differences_initInitialization of declared finite differences schemes
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_fifth_o1Finite Difference Schemes for the third derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_fifth_o2Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o1Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 1
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o2Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 2
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o3Finite Difference Schemes for first derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o4Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 4
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o5Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_first_o6Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_fourth_o1Finite Difference Schemes for fourth derivative at order 1
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_fourth_o2Finite Difference Schemes for the third derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_fourth_o3Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_second_o1Finite Difference Schemes for second derivative at order 1
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_second_o2Finite Difference Schemes for second derivative at order 2
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_second_o3Finite Difference Schemes for second derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_second_o4Finite Difference Schemes for second derivative at order 4
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_second_o5Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_sixth_o1Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_third_o1Finite Difference Schemes for second derivative at order 1
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_third_o2Finite Difference Schemes for third derivative at order 2
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_third_o3Finite Difference Schemes for the third derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_third_o4Finite Difference Schemes for the first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_scheme_zeroFinite Difference Schemes for the zero'th derivative (the value)
 Mmod_finite_differences_weno_scheme_first_o2zFinite Difference Weno Scheme for first derivative at order 2Z
 Mmod_finite_differences_weno_scheme_first_o3Finite Difference Weno Scheme for first derivative at order 3
 Mmod_finite_differences_weno_scheme_first_o3zFinite Difference Weno Scheme for first derivative at order 3Z
 Mmod_finite_differences_weno_scheme_first_o5Finite Difference Weno Scheme for first derivative at order 5
 Mmod_finite_differences_weno_scheme_first_o5zFinite Difference Weno Scheme for first derivative at order 5Z
 Mmod_fv_fluxesFinite Volume fluxes functions
 Mmod_generate_seedGenerate a seed, randomly or not
 Mmod_generic_initializeGeneric initialization routines for arrays of various type
 Mmod_generic_listGeneric list
 Mmod_generic_node_typeAny node type variables
 Mmod_generic_unallocGeneric unallocation of integer, double, character arrays
 Mmod_geo_toolsThe Closest Point type
 Mmod_get_discrete_derivativeDiscrete derivatives dictionnary
 Mmod_global_maxGeneric max routine for integer or double (maximum between different values given on each processor)
 Mmod_global_max_arrayGeneric maxval routine for an array of integer or double (maxval between different arrays given on each processor)
 Mmod_global_minGeneric min routine for integer or double scalar (minimum value between different values given on each processor)
 Mmod_global_min_arrayGeneric minval routine for an array of integer or double (minval between different arrays given on each processor)
 Mmod_global_reductionGlobal reduction functions
 Mmod_global_sumSums a scalar across processes in place
 Mmod_gradient_operator_cell_to_cellGradient operator from cells to cells
 Mmod_gradient_operator_cell_to_faceGradient operator from cells to faces
 Mmod_gradient_operator_cell_to_face_vectorGradient operator from cells to each face (full gradient on each face)
 Mmod_grid_interpolation_commonCommon interfaces, subroutines and functions that can be used in interpolation schemes
 Mmod_grid_interpolation_initInitialization of declared extrapolation chemes
 Mmod_grid_physical_pointsFunctions to manage physical points in/out the mesh
 Mmod_harmonic_interpolation1D and 2D harmonic interpolation
 Mmod_hessian_operator_cell_to_cellHessian operator from cells to cells
 Mmod_immersed_boundary_analysisPreparation routine building blocks for immersed boundaries
 Mmod_immersed_boundary_condition_toolsTools to manipulate immersed boundaries variables
 Mmod_immersed_boundary_surface_integralsTools to compute surface integrals
 Mmod_initialize_immersed_subdomainImmersed Boundaries Initializers
 Mmod_int_dscheme_o1Derivative interpolation scheme at order 1 The scheme is defined in the interval [0:+1]
 Mmod_int_dscheme_o2Derivative interpolation scheme at order 2 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+1]
 Mmod_int_dscheme_o3Derivative interpolation scheme at order 3 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+2]
 Mmod_int_fast_scheme_o2_centeredReconstruction Schemes with houc at order 3 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_int_fast_scheme_o4_centeredReconstruction Schemes with houc at order 3 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_int_point_fast_lagrange_o2The fourth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_fast_lagrange_o4The fourth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_fast_lagrange_o6The fourth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lagrange_o2The second order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lagrange_o3The third order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lagrange_o4The fourth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lagrange_o5The fifth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lagrange_o6The fourth order Lagrange interpolation
 Mmod_int_point_lambda_2_1The \(\Lambda_{2,1}\) interpolation kernel
 Mmod_int_point_lambda_2_2The \(\Lambda_{2,2}\) interpolation kernel
 Mmod_int_point_lambda_4_2The \(\Lambda_{4,2}\) interpolation kernel
 Mmod_int_point_peskin_o4The Peskin interpolation//smoothing kernel with 4 points
 Mmod_int_scheme_o1Interpolation Schemes at order 1 The scheme is defined in the interval [0:0]
 Mmod_int_scheme_o2Interpolation Schemes at order 2 The scheme is defined in the interval [0:+1]
 Mmod_int_scheme_o3Interpolation Schemes at order 3 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+1]
 Mmod_int_scheme_o4Interpolation Schemes at order 4 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+2]
 Mmod_int_scheme_o5Interpolation Schemes at order 5 The scheme is defined in the interval [-2:+2]
 Mmod_integrate_cell_advection_term_explicit_genericIntegration methods for the advection equation
 Mmod_integrate_face_advection_term_explicit_genericExplicit inertial (or face advection) term with a generic (given) scheme
 Mmod_integrate_face_advection_term_explicit_generic_splitExplicit inertial (or face advection) term with a generic (given) scheme, with direction split
 Mmod_integration_computerComputer for evaluating Integration Schemes
 Mmod_integration_initIntegration schemes initialization
 Mmod_interpolate_face_to_edgeInterpolate scalar from faces to edges
 Mmod_interpolate_face_to_faceInterpolate vector components from faces to faces
 Mmod_interpolate_field_timeInterpolate between fields. As most of interpolationg of fields are done in time, the module has been explicitely named with "time"
 Mmod_interpolate_scalar_cell_to_faceInterpolate scalar from cells to faces
 Mmod_interpolate_scalar_cell_to_verticesInterpolate scalar from cells to vertices
 Mmod_interpolate_scalar_face_to_cellInterpolate scalar from faces to cells
 Mmod_interpolate_vector_cell_to_faceInterpolate a vector field from cells to faces
 Mmod_interpolate_vector_face_to_cellInterpolate vector field from faces to cells
 Mmod_interpolation_computerComputer for evaluating Interpolation Schemes
 Mmod_interpolation_initInitialization of declared interpolation schemes
 Mmod_interpolation_polynomialPolynomial functions
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_dscheme_o2z_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Derivativ Schemes at order 2
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_dscheme_o4zDerivative interpolation WENO Schemes at order 4
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_dscheme_o5Interpolation WENO Derivative Schemes at order 5
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_fast_scheme_o3z_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 3 at the fixed position. This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_fast_scheme_o5z_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 5 at the fixed position. This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o3Interpolation WENO Schemes at order 3
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o3_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 3
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o3zInterpolation WENO Schemes at order 3
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o3z_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 3
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o4_interpolationInterpolation WENO interpolation Centered Schemes at order 4
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o4_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Centered Schemes at order 4
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o5zInterpolation WENO Schemes at order 5
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o5z_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 5
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_scheme_o6_reconstructionInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Centered Schemes at order 4
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_schemes_o4_interpolationInterpolation WENO Scheme at order 4,*
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_schemes_o6_interpolationInterpolation WENO Scheme at order 6,*
 Mmod_interpolation_weno_smoothness_indicatorInterpolation WENO Smoothness indicator computation
 Mmod_laplacian_operator_cell_to_cellLaplacian operator from cells to cells
 Mmod_linearized_enthalpy_functionsTemperature-Enthalpy functions for the Linearized Enthalpy method
 Mmod_lsm_advectContains a wrapper for the various advection schemes for the Level Set representation
 Mmod_lsm_advect_eulerianContains a wrapper for the various advection schemes for the Level Set standard representation
 Mmod_lsm_advect_eulerian_eulerThe Level Set advection module
 Mmod_lsm_bandLevel set band computation
 Mmod_lsm_compute_closest_pointsLevel set / Closest point wrappers
 Mmod_lsm_compute_ugradphiComputation of the advection term
 Mmod_lsm_compute_ugradphi_conservativeComputation of the advection with a conservative approach
 Mmod_lsm_cp_diagnosticsDiagnostics for Closest Points
 Mmod_lsm_cp_fieldThe Closest Point computation on fields
 Mmod_lsm_cp_gd_interpolantThe Closest Point gradient descent, orthogonality step
 Mmod_lsm_cp_gd_interpolant_eulerThe Closest Point gradient descent, Euler step
 Mmod_lsm_cp_gd_interpolant_geoThe Closest Point computation functions
 Mmod_lsm_cp_tools_interpolationThe Closest Point computation functions
 Mmod_lsm_curvatureCurvature computation
 Mmod_lsm_geometry_diracWrappers for dirac mass approximation
 Mmod_lsm_heaviside_gibouVolume fraction computation with sharp 'Gibou' approach
 Mmod_lsm_heaviside_regularizedVolume fraction computations with smooth Heaviside approach
 Mmod_lsm_heaviside_towersVolume fraction computations with the Towers' Heaviside approach
 Mmod_lsm_masscons_globalMass conservation: global approach
 Mmod_lsm_normalNormal computation
 Mmod_lsm_notusInterface between the LSM module and Notus. This is where we deal with the translation from a phase to a level set representation. It is mainly used to impose Notus' boundary conditions on VF for LS
 Mmod_lsm_reinitialization_cpReinitialization method using the CP algorithm
 Mmod_lsm_reinitialization_hcr2Reinitialization method using the HCR2 algorithm
 Mmod_lsm_reinitialization_hjReinitialization method using the classic HJ algorithm
 Mmod_lsm_reinitialization_hj_first_orderReinitialization method using the classic HJ algorithm
 Mmod_lsm_reinitialization_toolsReinitialization common tools for algorithms
 Mmod_lsm_solve_mean_curvature_flowSolve the mean curvature flow for LS
 Mmod_lsm_volume_fractionWrappers for volume fraction computation
 Mmod_lsm_volume_fraction_bcCompute the volume fraction boundary conditions corresponding to the level set's bc
 Mmod_material_properties_boundary_conditionsBoundary conditions related routines for materials
 Mmod_math_algebraAlgebraic Functions
 Mmod_math_linalgLinear algebra functions
 Mmod_memory_managerModule containing all the memory manager routines
 Mmod_momentum_boundary_conditionsBoundary conditions related routines for momentum
 Mmod_mpi_broadcast_bcMPI broadcast cell/face boundary conditions
 Mmod_mpi_exchangeMPI Exchange modules between processors
 Mmod_mpi_grid_infoPrint grid and partitioning informatio, and some partitioning statistics
 Mmod_mpi_localizationLocalization of the processor as regards physical boundaries
 Mmod_mpi_repartitioningManage the partitioning of the domain
 Mmod_mpi_send_receiveSend/receive an array from a MPI process to another Generic send/receive routines of an array from a MPI process to another. They encapsulate MPI call for sake of simplicity
 Mmod_multiphase_front_tracking_advect_phaseContains a wrapper for the various advection schemes for the Level Set representation
 Mmod_multiphase_front_tracking_compute_clpContains the wrapper the contact line point computation
 Mmod_multiphase_front_tracking_compute_curvatureProcedures to compute the curvature based on a FT representation
 Mmod_multiphase_front_tracking_frontierContains the wrappers for the FronTier library interface
 Mmod_navier_predict_densityPredict the density at the next time step
 Mmod_node_level_schemes_initInitialization of declared node level schemes
 Mmod_notus_c_interface_interpolationContains the wrappers for interpolations This part of the interface can be used to furnish quick (wrapped) interpolation functions to a front tracking library
 Mmod_numerical_tools_regularizationRegularization tools
 Mmod_point_interpolation_coordinatesFunctions to manipulate the coordinates
 Mmod_point_interpolation_execPoint interpolation execution module
 Mmod_point_interpolation_fieldPoint interpolation field module
 Mmod_point_interpolation_initInitialization of declared extrapolation chemes
 Mmod_point_interpolation_preparePoint interpolation preparation module
 Mmod_point_interpolation_typePoint interpolation type
 Mmod_prepare_cut_cellCut cell routines
 Mmod_prepare_immersed_boundary_conditionImmersed Boundaries variable initializers
 Mmod_prepare_mpi_exchangePrepare mpi_exchange
 Mmod_prepare_mpi_exchange_listMPI Exchange preparation for communication of node-list-like arrays
 Mmod_random_number_toolsRandom number tools
 Mmod_reallocateGeneric routines to reallocate arrays
 Mmod_rec_d_point_lagrange_o1The first order Lagrange reconstruction's derivative
 Mmod_rec_d_point_lagrange_o2The second order Lagrange reconstruction's derivative
 Mmod_rec_d_point_lagrange_o3The third order Lagrange reconstruction's derivative
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_houc3Reconstruction Schemes with houc at order 3 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_houc5Reconstruction Schemes with houc at order 3 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_o1_upwindReconstruction Schemes with upwind scheme at order 1 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_o2_upwindReconstruction Schemes with upwind scheme at order 2 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_o3d1_centeredReconstruction Scheme: first derivative with a centered scheme at order 3 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids. This scheme is fourth order with a uniform grid
 Mmod_rec_fast_scheme_o4_centeredReconstruction Schemes with a centered scheme at order 4 (at the fixed +1/2 position). This scheme is compatible with non uniform grids
 Mmod_rec_point_lagrange_o3The third order Lagrange reconstruction
 Mmod_rec_point_lagrange_o4The fourth order Lagrange reconstruction
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o1Reconstruction Schemes at order 1 The scheme is defined in the interval [0:0]
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o2Reconstruction Schemes at order 2 The scheme is defined in the interval [0:+1]
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o3Reconstruction Schemes at order 3 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+1]
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o4Reconstruction Schemes at order 4 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+2]
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o5Reconstruction Schemes at order 4 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+2]
 Mmod_rec_scheme_o6Reconstruction Schemes at order 4 The scheme is defined in the interval [-1:+2]
 Mmod_refined_grid_initializationFunctions to create grids Set a grid from parameters and create regular and refined (2^n) grids
 Mmod_scalar_advection_tvd_superbeeExplicit dimensional splitting Lax-Wendroff TVD SuperBee (LW-TVD-SB) scheme for the advection equation
 Mmod_set_grad_div_coefUser coefficient of Grad Div term of Navier-Stokes equations
 Mmod_set_ib_maskTools to manipulate immersed boundaries
 Mmod_setup_cell_ibm_saved_variablesInterface to prepare immersed boundary variables
 Mmod_solve_cell_allencahn_equationSolve the Allen-Cahn equation (experimental module, not followed anymore)
 Mmod_solve_pressureThis module solves the correction step of the pressure correction method
 Mmod_synthetic_eddy_methodSynthetic Eddy Methods
 Mmod_tc_probe_fieldsProbe fields for test cases
 Mmod_temperature_enthalpy_functionsTemperature-Enthalpy functions for the Apparent Heat Capacity method
 Mmod_turbulent_conductivityCompute turbulent viscosity
 Mmod_update_variable_ib_b_ghostUpdate fields on boundary and immersed boundary ghost cells
 Mmod_user_boundary_conditionsUser boundary conditions
 Mmod_user_implicit_discretization_schemesUser schemes for the implicit discretization of the different terms of the cell scalar or face vector equations
 Mmod_user_initial_conditionsUser initial conditions
 Mmod_user_linear_termUser linear terms
 Mmod_user_navier_grad_div_coefUser coefficient of Grad Div term of Navier-Stokes equations
 Mmod_user_prepare_energyUser energy equation preparation subroutine
 Mmod_user_prepare_navierUser Navier-Stokes equations preparation subroutine
 Mmod_user_prepare_phase_advectionUser phase advection equations preparation subroutine
 Mmod_user_prepare_species_transportUser species transport equations preparation subroutine
 Mmod_user_pressure_updateUser pressure update
 Mmod_user_solve_equationsSolve user equations. Called once per time iteration
 Mmod_user_source_termUser source terms
 Mmod_write_timeWrite Time in a .vtk file
 Mtype_closest_pointThe Closest Point type
 Mtype_closest_point_mpiThe Closest Point type for parallel applications
 Mtype_closest_point_parameters_interpolantThe Closest Point gradient descent interpolant type
 Mtype_contact_line_pointThe type for a contact line point To ease its use, it's always 3D
 Mtype_cp_geoThe Closest Point type
 Mtype_cut_cellData types for cut cell
 Mtype_dd_matrixDiscrete derivatives Matrix
 Mtype_dd_vectorDiscrete derivatives vector
 Mtype_discrete_derivativeDiscrete derivative type
 Mtype_discrete_derivative_dictionnaryDiscrete derivatives dictionnary
 Mtype_discrete_stencilThe Finite Difference Scheme type definition
 Mtype_edge_fieldDeclaration of a type (and associated routines) for double precision variable defined on edges
 Mtype_ext_neumann_schemeExtrapolation Neumann Schemes type
 Mtype_ext_schemeExtrapolation Schemes type
 Mtype_face_fieldDeclaration of a type (and associated routines) for double precision variable defined on faces
 Mtype_face_ls_mapType decalaration associated to the mapping of a face vector linear system on the numerical grid
 Mtype_face_vector_gradientDeclaration of a type for double precision gradient of a face_field vector
 Mtype_fd_schemeThe Finite Difference Scheme type definition
 Mtype_fd_weno_schemeThe Finite Difference Weno Scheme type definition
 Mtype_fv_fluxThe Finite Volume flux type
 Mtype_immersed_boundary_conditionData types for immersed boundaries
 Mtype_immersed_boundary_metricsImmersed boundary metrics derived types
 Mtype_int_dschemeGrid nodes Derivative Interpolation Schemes type
 Mtype_int_fast_schemeThe fast Interpolation/Reconstruction scheme type definition. The efficiency is based on:
 Mtype_int_grid_preweightsThe precomputed weights type definition for fast interpolation schemes
 Mtype_int_point_1dThe type for generic 1D point interpolation that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_2dThe type for generic 2D point interpolation that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_3dThe type for generic 3D point interpolation that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_fast_2dThe type for generic 2D point interpolation that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_fast_3dThe type for generic 3D point interpolation that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_fast_lagrange_1dThe type for generic 1D point Lagrange interpolation
 Mtype_int_point_lagrange_1dThe type for generic 1D point Lagrange interpolation
 Mtype_int_point_weno_1dThe type for generic point WENO interpolation (1D) that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_weno_2dThe type for generic point WENO interpolation (2D) that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_point_weno_3dThe type for generic point WENO interpolation (3D) that has to be derived
 Mtype_int_schemeGrid nodes Interpolation Schemes type The difference with the t_int_point_1D resides in that the scheme is defined in a narrowed band between index_start and index_end. The stencil is centered around the index 0, the step is relative to this node
 Mtype_int_weno_fast_schemeThe fast Interpolation/Reconstruction WENO scheme type definition. The efficiency is based on:
 Mtype_int_weno_grid_preweightsThe precomputed weights type definition for fast WENO schemes
 Mtype_int_weno_schemeThe Interpolation/Reconstruction WENO Scheme type definition This definition of the WENO Scheme is based on a Finite Volume principle, and is thus a reconstuction, where the mean value of the data is known for a cell, contrary to interpolation based on node values. The difference is subtle and only happens in the associated weights
 Mtype_integ_1d_scheme_glIntegration Scheme: 1d Gauss
 Mtype_integ_1d_scheme_mpIntegration Scheme: 1D MidPoint
 Mtype_integ_1d_scheme_simpsonIntegration Scheme: 1D Simpson
 Mtype_integ_2d_scheme_glIntegration Scheme: 1d Gauss
 Mtype_integ_schemeIntegration Schemes type
 Mtype_levelsetThe level set type
 Mtype_levelset_cp_parametersLevel set CP parameters as a structureAlso define default values
 Mtype_levelset_parametersLevel set parameters as a structureAlso define default values
 Mtype_levelset_reinit_cp_parametersLevel set CP parameters as a structureAlso define default values
 Mtype_levelset_reinit_parametersLevel set reinitialization parameters as a structureAlso define default values
 Mtype_ls_mapType declaration associated to the numerical grid mapping of a cell linear system
 Mtype_mpi_exchangeData types for MPI Exchange communications
 Mtype_nfi_contact_line_pointContains NFI contact line point type
 Mtype_node_listNode subset stored in 1D arrays
 Mtype_node_typeNode type handy tools
 Mtype_particleThe particle type
 Mtype_particle_listThe particle list type
 Mtype_phase_geometryDefinition of the type t_phase_geometry
 Mtype_rec_fast_schemeThe fast Reconstruction scheme type definition
 Mtype_rec_point_2dThe type for generic 2D point reconstruction that has to be derived
 Mtype_rec_point_3dThe type for generic 3D point reconstruction that has to be derived
 Mtype_rec_point_lagrange_1dThe type for generic 1D point reconstruction that has to be derived
 Mtype_rec_schemeGrid nodes Reconstruction Schemes type The difference with the t_int_point_1D resides in that the scheme is defined in a narrowed band between index_start and index_end. The stencil is centered around the index 0, the step is relative to this node
 Mtype_solver_hypreType definition for all HYPRE's solvers
 Mtype_solver_lisType definition for all LIS solvers
 Mtype_solver_mumpsType definition for MUMPS solver
 Mtype_stencilEnumeration modules associated to implicit discretization of PDE Declaration of types associated to different discretization stencils
 Mtype_stress_tensorDeclaration of a type associated to the stress tensor
 Mtype_subdomainDescription of a subdomain
 Mut_check_schemes_secondRoutines to check second derivatives
 Mut_ext_computerRoutines to compute the discrete approximations
 Mut_fd_computerRoutines to compute the discrete approximations
 Mut_int_computerRoutines to compute the discrete approximations
 Mut_integ_computerRoutines to compute the discrete approximations
 Mut_solution_toolsTools to play with solutions
 Mut_solutionsSolution examples
 Mvariables_adiosVariables used for ADIOS output
 Mvariables_all_equationsDeclaration of a variable module that encapsulates variable modules of each equation
 Mvariables_cell_coordinateCell node coordinates
 Mvariables_cell_spatial_stepsCell spatial steps
 Mvariables_checkpoint_restartDeclaration variables associated to checkpoint/restart
 Mvariables_coordinatesCell and face node coordinates
 Mvariables_coreDefine variables of the core library
 Mvariables_cpu_timeVariables for CPU time measurement in different part of the code
 Mvariables_debugging_ioVariables to enable debugging I/O
 Mvariables_diagnostic_quantitiesDiagnostic quantity switches
 Mvariables_domainVariables describing the global domain
 Mvariables_energyDeclaration of scalar variables associated to the Energy equation
 Mvariables_explicit_weno_fdCompile-time settings for immersed boundaries
 Mvariables_face_coordinateFace node coordinates
 Mvariables_face_spatial_stepsFace spatial steps
 Mvariables_front_trackingModule containing the parameters of the Front tracking method
 Mvariables_grid_cellCell nodes description variables
 Mvariables_grid_convergenceDeclaration of variables useful to grid convergence tools
 Mvariables_grid_faceFace nodes description variables
 Mvariables_immersed_boundary_conditionCompile-time settings for immersed boundaries
 Mvariables_levelsetVariables associated to the level set representationMainly default values for LS parameters
 Mvariables_levelset_cpVariables associated to the level set representationMainly default values for LS parameters
 Mvariables_material_propertiesDeclaration of local properties of the materials involved in the simulation (density, conductivity, viscosity, etc.)
 Mvariables_mathDeclaration of math variables
 Mvariables_modelingDeclaration of variables relative to the equations and models used
 Mvariables_mofModule containing the parameters of the Moment-of-Fluid method
 Mvariables_mpiVariables associated with domain partitioning context
 Mvariables_mpi_exchangeDefine variables associated to MPI communications on cells and faces
 Mvariables_multiphaseModule containing the list of the various phase representations
 Mvariables_navierDefine variables (time step, schemes, solvers, etc.) associated to the Navier-Stokes equations
 Mvariables_ompVariables associated to OpenMP
 Mvariables_omp_libOpenMP library module
 Mvariables_outputDefine variables associated to outputs
 Mvariables_particlesThe particle fields
 Mvariables_phase_advectionDeclaration of the variables associated to the phase advection equations
 Mvariables_probesDefine variables associated to probes
 Mvariables_random_numberRandom number variables
 Mvariables_reference_solutionDefine the variables associated to the reference solutions
 Mvariables_spatial_stepsCell and face spatial steps
 Mvariables_species_transportDeclaration of scalar variables associated to species transport equations
 Mvariables_statisticsDefines variables associated to the statistics of instantaneous fields
 Mvariables_synthetic_eddy_methodSynthetic Eddy Method variables definition
 Mvariables_test_caseDefine variables associated to test cases setup
 Mvariables_time_discretizationDeclaration of variables associated to the time discretization
 Mvariables_turbulenceDefine variables associated to the turbulence models
 Mvariables_turbulence_lesDefine variables associated to the Large Eddy Simulation models
 Mvariables_turbulence_ransDefine variables associated to the turbulence models
 Mvariables_validationDefine variables associated to verification and validation
 Mvariables_vof_plicModule containing the parameters of the Moment-of-Fluid method
 Mvariables_volumeComputation of volume
 Mvariables_weno_schemeInterpolation WENO Reconstruction Schemes at order 3